ANGELA’S MIXTAPE named a Best of 2009 by The New Yorker
yes it was! here’s the link. also got a nod in the Village Voice’s column for contributing to best theater of the decade.
“On this mixtape, style will dictate, we bounce back and forth in time…”
Using the rhythms of music and memory, Angela’s Mixtape tells the story of Eisa’s radical upbringing on the dividing line between Oakland and Berkeley, California—in a family that includes her aunt, professor and activist Angela Davis.
Time shifts between the 70s, 80s, and 90s as smoothly as a DJ fading from song to song. Each track, each memory, has a built-in switch to the next, for theatrical momentum that keeps on building.
The music crosses styles and decades, but it’s hip-hop and a b-girl stance that keeps the piece bouncing in the present.
pictured below: the cast, and the cast paired with the people they play. I’m not playing Ellen Burstyn though. or Alicia Keys.